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SAQ-sändning på Förenta nationernas dag

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Information från "The Alexander association" angående att SAQ utför sändingar den 24e Oktober.


Join us in celebrating UN Day on October 24 at the World Heritage Grimeton!
This year, hundred years have passed since equal voting rights for men and women were introduced in Sweden. It is a human right that everyone can make their voices heard in fundamental issues and is prerequisite for creating a democratic and peaceful society. On this occasion, we want to raise the power of women in peace issues. Therefore the organization Acting 4 Change, that works with the project womens empowerment in Casamance in Senegal, is invited to talk about women’s participation in the peace process from a Senegalese perspective.

During the evening, a peace message is sent with the old long-wave transmitter SAQ and finally we listen to Senegalese rhythms performed by Kilimandiarou.

The event is held in the radio station building with free admission. Arrive at the event on time, as there is a limited number of seats.

Tonight’s program 6 pm – 8 pm

Welcome – CEO Grimeton World Heritage, Camilla Lugnet

Women’s Participation in the Peace Process – Women’s Empowerment in Casamance – President Acting 4 Change, Linda Ohlsson*

The long wave transmitter is started – President Alexander GVV, Jan Steinbach

Peace message sent ** (17.00 UTC)               

Concert with Kilimandiarou Welcome to an evening of signs of community and peace!

* More info about Acting for Change can be found here www.actingforchange.org

The arrangement is made possible with the help of project funds from Varberg Municipality.

More information about the transmission
The transmission is on 17,2 kHz CW. 
Startup of the transmitter around 16.30 UTC
Transmission of a message at 17.00 UTC 
You can also watch a live video stream of the transmission on www.alexander.n.se.
No QSL-cards will be given this time and no List of Reports will be constructed but we accept shorter Listeners Report to e-mail Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den..

*The world heritage site Grimeton is a living cultural heritage. All transmissions with the long-wave transmitter SAQ are therefore preliminary and may be cancelled with short notice.